
POST COOLY ROCKS ON BLUES? No way.. We are kicking on!

Hey Hey Swing Kids,

David & Charlotte above from Swing On In tearing up the floor at the Moonlight Swing Dance.  
PC:  Cooly Rocks On

It was so great to see so many of you at Cooly Rocks On this year!  Everyone was here there and everywhere  it was great!  It was cracking good weather, record crowds and so many amazing bands to see and dance too! Ray and I worked hard, played hard and enjoyed some quiet moments as well!  Yes we did!  There were many highlights for us this year but here are a few:

  • Our performance troupe performing as The Halfbeaks as the halftime entertainment at the Moonlight Swing Dance.  We were so very proud of everyone and those in attendance cheered loudly so I guess they enjoyed it too!
  • Managing to get to see almost every band on my must see list this year!
  • Saturday night at the Sands – it felt like the old days catching up with old and new friends and Johnny Pandora was epic.
  • Saturday roaming the streets and popping up to dance wherever with whomever!
  • Proud of Swing-A-Billy Ray who DJ’d his style every day and kept the dance floor pumping – He’s a legend and plays all the great stuff for us.

    OK, in this newsletter!

    Classes this week
    Socials coming up including A Supper Dance for Charity
    Workshops coming up
    Need your input/feedback on some proposed changes
    Video highlights of the weekend

Classes this week:

TONIGHT!  Class as usual for Wednesday Night at Mermaid Beach Bowls Club – 7pm.  Ray and Monique will be taking you through the paces with some technique and cool moves.

THURSDAY Night class at Mullum – 7pm – It will be great to see you all back on the floor, recapping and learning some fun 4 x 4 mini patterns and stylings.

Socials coming up including A Supper Dance for Charity

Friday 16 June 2023 – MULLUM SWINGS with DJ Swing A Billy Ray spinning all your fav swing tunes and Crooner Rhydian on vocals to entertain you all.  3 hours of pure social dancing – 7pm – 10pm – $20 at the door.

Sunday 9th July – 2023 – GOLD COAST – 1pm – 5pm – Sunday Swing Session – Mermaid Beach Bowls Club – Swing-A-Billy Ray DJ and guest artists – Raising money for Carlo & Harry from our dance community to head to Japan for the Karate championships

Friday 21 July 2023 – MULLUM SWINGS

Saturday 2 September 2023 – A Very Fabulous Affair – Super dance for charity – details and ticket info below:

QR CODE to book tickets – Just scan code and off you go!

Welcome to our very first Charity Supper Dance for Beauties Feeling Fabulous Inc.
A Night of Spectacular Entertainment, Live Music, Dancing, Supper, Raffles, Prizes, and Raising Awareness of what we do.
$55 per head + Booking Fee includes a glass of bubbles on the red carpet arrival and a light supper.
$500 + Booking Fee for a table of 10 bought in one single transaction.
** Cash Bar Available **
We are so thrilled to be able to announce our HEADLINE ACT for A Very Fabulous Affair Supper Dance for Charity.. Melissa Western and The Moxie Crew, a 7 Piece Swing Band! I have been trying for years to secure this lady and her band for years but being so popular and world renowned, its been a mission until NOW!!
With a voice like velvet and a sparkling charisma to match, singer-actor Melissa Western melds stories and music for an event to remember.
Saturday 2 September 2023
7pm – 11pm
Albert Waterways Auditorium, 61 sunshine Blvd, Broadbeach Waters, old 4218
All profits go to:
Beauties Feeling Fabulous
Incorporate Charity Association: IA54756
Charity Number: CH1992
** Tax Deductible Receipts available upon request **

Workshops coming up:

So, I am yet to confirm dates and do up FB events but just putting it out there so you can clock it on your radar and calendar:

WORKSHOPS will be on a Sunday 11am to 3pm with lunch break and with a social dance after to wind the weekend down (3pm – 5pm).  Tentative dates:


Sunday 20/8
Sunday 10/9
Sunday 24/9


Sunday 8/10

Outline of workshops:

  1.  Introduction to Troupe… in this  workshop we start to learn the fundamentals of performing and how to be dynamic working as a team. We will be speeding up your basics, adding in classic performance moves.
  1. Aerials Workshop – come fly with us..  in this workshop you’ll learn the fundamentals of lifts, jumps, throws and dips.. starting some exercises, understanding timing and momentum and working in a partnership.  then will progress to 4 dynamic aerials suitable to dance in a jam circle.
  1. Jump in the Jam circle!! in this workshop. We will help you develop an 8 x 8 performance spotlight piece that you can jump into any jam circle at any event and shine spectacularly. This will be done to the song sing, sing sing, so have a listen to it and get familiar..
  1. Learn the California Routine.  This routine is world-renowned and what so great about it has a bit of  everything in a performance routine .. it has dynamic basics,  aerials,  Charleston , shim sham and more .  It’s a classic and one every performing troupe should know.

Need your input/feedback on some proposed changes:

Hey, Ray and I were talking and thinking about mixing up our class structure a bit but as it impacts you all, we wanted your feedback.  Let us know what you think:

Still Wednesday and Thursday.

6.45pm – 7.35pm – Intermediate/Advanced  (50 min class)
7.45pm – 8.35  Beginners/Transition (50 min class)
8.35  – 10pm – Social dance practice & one on one help with us

There was so much footage of the weekend and our dance performance was professionally filmed so I will share that with you all when I get it.

Until then, Stay cool and chill into a super week/weekend of dancing!

Chrissy & Ray xx

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