
Merry New Year Swing On In Dancers, Community & Family

Welcome to 2018 ….  By now you have probably reflected enough on 2017 and the past and maybe you have set some goals & some intentions for 2018 and if you are on this mailing list then how fabulous that you are adding Swing Dancing or keeping Swing Dancing in your life!!

Ray and I have had a blast this jolly season being swamped with family and crazy times in our tiny little abode which we have also been madly renovating and getting ready to lay the slab and footings for the new shed and studio next week! (well.. truth be told it is all Ray.. but you all knew that already didn’t you!!)  Big Plans afoot but then again in my mind there always are big plans afoot.. thats what keeps me going right?  Ray and I are so very proud of our dance school (and the Lindy Charm School) and we are super passionate about its continued growth.  We also know that we are blessed with great people around us who constantly support and push us to deliver and who teach for us, perform with us and generally make life so much sweeter in our dance world and we thank you for that.  We never take for granted this amazing dance school and although at times its exhaustingly hard work we still sit back and pinch ourselves regularly and appreciate this gift, this life and all of you, so thank you from us!


We have had a great response to our advertising and Gift Certificate Promotion so we expect a wonderful turn out of new and excited dancers eager to catch this Lindy Hop Bug.  It’s going to be a wonderful year for Swing Dancing and our Swing On In Dance Community so get ready, mark your calendars and enjoy the ride with us..

There are a couple of changes for 2018 and in case you can’t see the calendar below here are the ones to note:

1.  Workshops and Swingpicnic
2.  Class Restructure and New Class
3.  Commonwealth Games News

Up Coming Workshop and Social to kick off 2018 in Swing On In Style:

SUNDAY 14TH OF JANUARY 2018 – Find your Flow Follows Workshop:

Want to improve your following technique?
Want to have the time in your dance to listen/feel and respond to the music?
Want to relax and soak into that dance with your partner without have to think so much?
Want to have more time to express yourself with your own stylings?

If you said yes to any of these then you will benefit from this Follows Flow workshop…

There will be exercises, explanations, letting go and trusting and learning how to move your body with a natural follow flow… and yes there will be stylings, improvs and more exercises…
10am to 12 Noon Sunday 14th January 2018
$30pp for all follows…
(Email to register: [email protected])
Payment in cash on the day.
Venue: The Bowlo, Banaglow.
** Wear comfy clothes and slippery shoes ** There will also be no shoes floor work..

**Lead partners required from 11.30am if you would like to come on down and lend a hand for the follows to practice on.   Social Swing Picnic at 1pm following.  to practice with will be provided for part of the workshop.

SWING PINCIC:   1PM TO 6PM – Farewell Swing Picnic for Mary who heads off on her RV adventure.  Bring a plate and dance the afternoon away in turn Swing On In Summer Style..


  1. Classes Start Back officially on  Tuesday Night 16th of January at Club Mermaid.  The 16th of January we will run a beginner Class from 7pm to 8pm then 1 hour of Social Dancing til 9pm to follow.  This is because we expect an influx of new beginners and we need to advise them and all who turn up about the NEW Thursday night format.  The Last two weeks in January we  will have a Guest Teacher (Amanda DB) teaching us a “Bob Vosse” Cabaret/Jazz Routine and then social dancing following.  Tuesday nights will only run from 7pm to 9pm in future and will be reserved for speciality classes i.e.:  February and March with be Balboa with Mark O’Brien then each month after that we will be offering different dance disciplines with some guest teachers along the way to add variety to your dancing.  It maybe Blues, Shag, Charleston Specifics, Rock n Roll, or maybe even a few out of the box surprises!  as examples and will run with monthly blocks
  2. Wednesday Night 17th of January at Bangalow – Classes remain the same structure as previous except there will be a few new conditions for beginners and transition dancers, i.e.:  Beginners must complete 5 beginner classes before proceeding to transition class.  Transition dancers must complete 5 transition classes before joining the Intermediate/Advanced Classes. New Beginners and Transition Students will have a card to keep track of how many classes they have completed before progressing to next level.
  3. THURSDAY Night 18th of January at Cub Mermaid – this Night will become our MAIN dance class night and will run from 7pm to 10pm.  Class Structure will run the same as Bangalow (Check Website or FB events for break up of times/classes)  with the same new conditions for beginners and transition dancers, i.e.:  Beginners must complete 5 beginner classes before proceeding to transition class.  Transition dancers must complete 5 transition classes before joining the Intermediate/Advanced Classes. New Beginners and Transition Students will have a card to keep track of how many classes they have completed before progressing to next level.  We encourage our more seasoned dancers to continue to support the new dancers by doing the beginners and transition classes as well as your own classes as it is invaluable for them to know and feel the lead/follow which will ultimately make them better quicker so we appreciate all your help in that regard.
  4. Monday Night Social Dance Practice nights at Nerang will continue as per previous.  $5 – No Class – 7.30pm to 9.30pm


As you may have heard, Swing On In have been chosen to dance at the Team Welcome Ceremonies for the 2018 Commonwealth Games here on the Gold Coast.  This is such a huge honour and will be a mammoth undertaking by those dancers who have expressed interesting participating (lineup yet to be finalised).  Participating in the creative and then rehearsals then 6 performances per day for 10 days straight welcoming 70 nations to the athletes village…  It’s going to be epic and so so rewarding I can tell you.  Where are we right now?  We are just waiting on the creative team to come back from the Christmas/New Year break and we expect to have new time schedule, budgets and next step directions shortly thereafter.  Next Step, we will hold a meeting of interested parties and select our final team.

Calendar for Jan/Feb Below for you:



First Friday of every Month – Swing Out with Swing On In Monthly Social Dance at Nerang – 34 Price Street.  BYO Refreshments – $10 at the door
Third Saturday of every month – Swing at the Oasis – Free
Qld Swing Festival:  http://www.queenslandswingfestival.com.au – 25-27 May 2018 – Meet the Decavitas!!  We’ll be there.

Til next time,

Swinging Regards,

Chrissy & Ray and the Whole Swing On In Team!

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