
Dress the Part

Swing dancing is more than a dance, it’s a mood, and it’s most definitely a style. When you get your feet moving the rhythm takes over and that’s all that matters, but it doesn’t hurt to look a million dollars whilst you’re doing it.

In the 1920’s, 30’s & 40’s, the jazz and swing era swept the nation and there was a change of culture, as women threw off their corsets they turned to a whole new style of dance, fashion and music.

Swing On In dance school wants to bring back the Flapper fun of 20’s and Sophisticated Style of 30’s & 40’s with some fashion advice.

The swing era brought with it, shorter hair, shorter skirts and a shorter leash on society, it was an era of freedom. Flapper fashion was a far cry from the tight-fitted lady like appearance society was used to. To look like a flapper, an above the knee shapeless shift dress with dipping panels or fringing for detail teamed with short sophisticated bobbed hair or masses of curls was the look of the day, add a headband and lots of pearls to complete the look. Finger waves & kiss curls were set firmly, a flapper never has a hair out of place.

For the chaps, a classic suit wasn’t just worn in the office, it was a regular feature in a man’s wardrobe, From Top Hat and Tails to Blazers and Boaters, men dressed to impress. Think dapper or dandy and you won’t go far wrong.. Oh! And don’t forget to slick and lick that mop hair back boys and your good to go!

Dance studios saw the best of the 40’s and 50’s fashion

As the 40’s and 50’s drew in, add some Hollywood glamour to your outfit. Thinks glitz and glamour meets dashing and debonair

Old Hollywood glamour inspired gowns for many years to come. The Golden Age of Hollywood is easy to recreate with a beautiful long red-carpet style gown, add in some diamonds, after all they are a girl’s best friend.

Don’t be afraid to be bold and add some shoulder pads to any sleeved dresses, a 40’s & 50’s woman wants to be seen as a strong, confident woman.

Elegance was key in this era, but this doesn’t mean you can’t add a little sex appeal into your outfit. Feminine glamour was the rage, so get swept up in the glitters and gold and doll yourself up for a 40’s – 50’s feel.

Men wore classic tailored suits for the ballroom and a crisp white shirt with perfectly shined shoes and spats to cover..

As time went on, styles progress and we saw a different type of fashion emerge. The Post War Revival allowed for some frivolous trends with a more relaxed vibe yet still retained that sense of style! Think Audrey Hepburn & Marilyn Monroe or Dean Martin & James Dean

Outside the ballroom people were going crazy for the new fashion. So go full retro and take some inspiration from those stylish icons.

Boys channel your inner James Dean with a leather jacket, jeans and a quaffed hair style.

Women you can take the classic Audrey look or go for the more Va Va Voom of Marilyn

Not sure where to start? Below we have some links to places we like to shop or simply Jump on Google and find the outfit you want and then ask your friends on Facebook.  Maybe someone has a costume they could loan you or they’ve seen something similar in an op shop or on eBay. The more people you have looking, the more likely it is you’ll find the perfect outfit.

Get into your local op shops and have a rummage around. Not only will you be supporting your local charity you can also bag yourself a bargain.

Vintage Clothing:

Arrive Vintage – Gold Coast & Brisbane : https://arkivevintage.com

The Vintage Emporium: https://www.facebook.com/thevintageemporiumtyabb/

Mr Vintage – Byron Bay: – https://www.facebook.com/MrVintageAustralia/

Fossil Vintage – Byron Bay – https://www.fossilvintage.com.au   (Tell us what you are looking for and we will ship it in from Europe in our next container)

The Camp Hill Antique Centre: http://camphillantiquecentre.com

Remember When: https://www.facebook.com/Remember-When-392137587491500/

Empire Revival: http://empirerevival.com.au/our-collections/

Ooh La La Vintage:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/155195171189000/

Reproduction Clothing:

Jacks Daughter: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/jacksdaughter

Seamstress of Bloomsbury:  https://theseamstressofbloomsbury.co.uk

Auntie Charming: https://www.auntylovesretro.com.au

The Bunny Hole : https://www.facebook.com/bunnyholelismore/

Trashy Diva: https://www.trashydiva.com

Lindy Bop: https://www.lindybop.com.au

Clear It Online: https://www.clearitonline.com.au

Pin Up Girl Clothing: https://www.pinupgirlclothing.com/

Kitten D Amour: https://kittendamour.com

Retrospec’d: http://retrospecd.com

Candy Floss: http://www.miss-candyfloss.com

Collective: https://www.collectif.co.uk

Unique Vintage: https://www.unique-vintage.com

Retro Stage: https://www.retro-stage.com

Wish: https://www.wish.com/


Aris Allen:  dancestore.com (We are a wholesaler so you can order through Swing On In for these)

My Ju Ju: https://www.myjujudancefever.com.au

Miss L Fire: https://misslfire.com

Charlie Stone: https://www.charliestoneshoes.com

Remix:  https://remixvintageshoes.com/collections/gold

Saint Savoy : https://www.saintsavoy.com/en/

B.A.I.T Footwear:  https://www.baitfootwear.com

Royal Vintage Shoes:  https://www.royalvintageshoes.com

Let’s swing, come join our dance school on the Gold Coast

Swing On In to our dance school on the Gold Coast and be taken back to the golden era, where the dancing was free and all the rules were broken. Call 0408 306 560 and join the fastest growing swing dance school in Queensland.

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