The GreazeFest is the ‘must-do’ event for kustom kulture devotees in the Southern Hemisphere. Held at the Redland Showgrounds in Cleveland on the outskirts of Brisbane, GreazeFest is a full tilt weekend of cool cars, rockabilly bands and djs, vintage bikes, lowrider cycles, low brow art, pinstripers, tattoos and vintage threads.
Next event dates: Friday July 30 to Sunday August 1, 2021.
All info here:
POPPING up at Greazefest this year, Miss Chrissy from The Lindy Charm School and her team will be offering Vintage Styling Hair and Makeup to the masses and also selling off some of her private collection vintage.
Situated next to the Greazefest Art Show Saturday 31 and Sunday 1st all day.
Best to call or email to book in but we are also taking walk ins as time permits too.
Full Vintage hair and Makeup – $60
Vintage Hair Only – $40
Vintage Makeup Only – $40
Email: [email protected]
Mob: 0409727888

Free Event, Burleigh Hub
Justins Park, The Esplanade
Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
Hey, Gold Coasters, what’s your jam?
You’re invited to grab some free JOY and kick up your heels in a social swing dance taster class, then clap along and watch an epic swing jam led by light-footed legends Ray and Chrissy Keepence from Swing On In.
Tap your retro toes and raise your pulse as Baartzy’s Brew and Morse Code join forces and play off all the favourite tunes of the Big Band era. Then try to resist jumping to your feet to shimmy and spin when all the swing dancers hit the floor to jam it out!
Saturday 28 August – RUN FOR COVER!!! – BLITZ II is on.. Get Tickets HERE

It’s happening again. Tickets live. Don’t miss out. Limited! All Girl Band “The Code Breakers” .. Epic night assured!
FB event:
Run for cover! The Blitz Party is nearly here! BUT… What do I wear?? This event will be one to remember and getting your outfit sorted is definitely part of the fun..
Taking place in The Vaults of Mo’s Desert Clubhouse which has been transformed to create an air-raid shelter feel, a cavernous den that contains more alcoholic provisions and Blitz spirit than Churchill’s bunker, this night will recreate the wartime glamour of 1940s wartime. Victory curled ladies and uniformed soldiers can expect a night of live music, classic cocktails and 40s-style revelry.
Live band “The Code Breakers” will perform a repertoire of 40s classics and modern favourites remixed to resemble the style of the era, the perfect soundtrack for land girls and the home guard to cut a rug on the dance floor.
OK, so I want to give you the inside skinny on what generally would have been worn to an air raid shelter…, not that I was there mind you but watch enough movies, read enough books and live and breath the era of the early 1940’s you do learn a lot. Here are my 5 tips on how to find that perfect outfit:
- It’s gonna be HOT.. Sooo, whatever costume you think of then make sure it is breathable, comfortable and dance practical..
- Research London Blitz Air Raid Shelter – Australian Fashion WWII 1940-1942 – Pinterest Images are great Search Air Raid Shelter WWII blitz fashion
- Imagine some of these scenarios and let you imagination run wild: you are at one sleeping and the air raid siren screams out, what are you wearing?
- Maybe you are in your PJ’s? Smoking Jacket just about to retire?
- Maybe you are an Air Raid Warden getting ready for the night shift?
- Maybe you have just returned from a dance and still have your dancing clobber on?
- Maybe you are service personnel (Army, Airforce, Navy, WAAF, AWLA, Red Cross etc)
- Maybe you are the homemaker still in your apron after dinner and cleaning up?
- Maybe you are Rosie the Riveter and just home from a day at the munitions factory?
- Maybe you have just returned home from a Gala Red Carpet evening wearing a stunning floor length 1940’s gown?
Inspirations & Where to look?
Army Disposal/Camping Store
Camp Hill Antique Centre
Op Shops
Costume Hire
Make Something
Get crafty and make an arm band and a Tin Hat
Research Australian War Effort pictures and see what homeland services where wearing (Australian Womens Land Army for instance wore Khaki dungarees a top and Do Rag with hardy Boots and red lippy!)
Google some images to spark your imagination:
Air Raid Warden
Land Girl
Home Maker
Rosie the Riveter Munitions Factory Worker
1940’s dancing couple
Hollywood Glam
Red Cross Nurse